Services for the Care Industry

Assisting clients in the Care Industry...

LMDB - Accountants with niche experience in the Care Industry

We have assisted clients in the Care Industry across a wide geographical area including North Lincolnshire, Essex, Kent & Sussex.

This assistance is tailored to suit the needs of the client be it to help with the purchase of a Nursing Home, Taxation Advice, Management Information for internal use or to comply with Banking requirements.

Our services include:

  • Financial Due Diligence: on the purchase of shares in companies which own Residential or Nursing Homes.
  • Assistance in Grooming Businesses in the run up to sale.
  • Preparation of Management Information for Residential or Nursing Home clients.
  • Providing proactive Tax Advice on such matters as choice of trading vehicle (Sole Trade, Partnership, Limited Liability Partnership or Limited Company), Capital Gains Tax, the impact of the new 50% Income Tax, Inheritance Tax, other Income Tax aspects, Corporation Tax etc.
  • Undertaking Reorganisations of Groups of Companies or Associated Businesses including the use of Limited Liability Partnerships in conjunction with a Limited Company.
  • Review of Accounting Systems to identify improvements in the production and processing of financial data.
  • Payroll Services for businesses in the care home sector including assistance with the treatment of casual workers, holiday pay entitlement, statutory sick pay, statutory maternity pay, student loans and attachments to earnings.
  • Providing a Complete Accounting Office Service for Businesses in the Care sector including writing up the accounting records, processing the payroll and production of management information.
  • Preparation of Annual Accounts and Tax Returns.

If you wish to discuss a particular issue then we offer a free initial consultation. We also offer Fixed Price Agreements for any recurring items of work payable on a monthly basis. These agreements include unlimited adhoc telephone advice with any member of our team. These Agreements offer peace of mind that you will not receive an unexpected invoice.

Please contact Richard Booth FCA, FCCA on 01323 732748 or for further information.